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Install packages

Install the following packages:

# install basic packages in your frontend.
npm i @coinbase/waas-sdk-web @coinbase/waas-sdk-viem viem

# if using react, install our react package.
npm i @coinbase/waas-sdk-web-react

Integrate the WalletProvider

  • Wrap your root app component in WalletProvider and configure it with your project ID.
  • Disable StrictMode if you're using it.
//////////////// [frontend] main.tsx - 1. wrap your app in the WalletProvider
import { WalletProvider } from "@coinbase/waas-sdk-web-react";

const PROJECT_ID = process.env.PROJECT_ID; // pass your project ID in using your env var setup.

const TopLevelComponent = () => {
return (
<WalletProvider projectId={PROJECT_ID} verbose collectAndReportMetrics enableHostedBackups>
<App />

Start using wallets

Login your user with waas.login(), and create or restore a wallet using the user.hasWallet flag.

//////////////// [frontend] component.tsx - 2. Use `useWalletContext` to login and setup your user!
import { useWalletContext, useEVMAddress } from "@coinbase/waas-sdk-web-react";

// a button to login your user.
// this will trigger Coinbase Managed Auth
const LoginButton = () => {
const { waas, user } = useWalletContext();
return (
disabled={!waas || !!user}
onClick={() => {

const CreateOrResumeWalletButton = () => {
const { waas, user, wallet, isCreatingWallet } = useWalletContext();

return (
disabled={!waas || !user || isCreatingWallet || !!wallet}
onClick={async () => {
// check if your user has a wallet, and restore it if they do!
if (user!.hasWallet) {
// restores the user's existing wallet.
} else {
// creates a new wallet.
{isCreatingWallet ? "Creating wallet..." : "Create/Resume Wallet"}

// a <p> to see your user's address.
const ViewMyAddressLabel = () => {
const { wallet } = useWalletContext();
const address = useEVMAddress(wallet);
return (
{address && <p>Your address is: {address.address}</p>}
{!address && <p>No wallet.</p>}

// a button to logout your user.
const LogoutButton = () => {
const { waas, user } = useWalletContext();
return (
onClick={async () => {
await waas?.logout();

Use Address to interact onchain

  • Turn your Wallet into an Address using useEVMAddress(wallet).
  • Turn your Address into a viem account, for interacting onchain.
import { useEVMAddress, useWalletContext } from "@coinbase/waas-sdk-web-react";
import { toViem } from "@coinbase/waas-sdk-viem";
import { createWalletClient, http } from "viem";
import { baseSepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { useEffect } from "react";

// a button to sign a transaction.
const SignTransactionButton = () => {
const { wallet } = useWalletContext();
const address = useEVMAddress(wallet);

useEffect(() => {
}, [wallet]);

return (
onClick={async () => {
// get a viem account.
const account = toViem(address!);

// use viem to send eth.
const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: baseSepolia,
transport: http(),

// send the transaction!
const txHash = await walletClient.sendTransaction({
to: "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8",
value: 1000000000000000000n,

console.log("Sent ETH!", txHash);
Send ETH

Putting it all together

import { useEVMAddress, useWalletContext } from "@coinbase/waas-sdk-web-react";

// some component in your dapp which needs an embedded wallet.
// NOTE: You can use `address` to check whether your user is signed in + has an address.
const DappWalletView = () => {
const {wallet} = useWalletContext();
const address = useEVMAddress(address);

return (
{!address && <LoginButton />}
{address && <>
<ViewMyAddressLabel />
<SignTransactionButton />
<LogoutButton />

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