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Mobile Dapp integration via Deep Linking

Direct connection

This integration offers a direct, in-context connection between mobile web dapps and the Coinbase Wallet, without reloading the dapp in the in-app browser.


This feature is currently in an experimental phase and may undergo changes to enhance its functionality and user experience.

How to enable the direct connection method

  1. Update to the latest SDK Ensure your dapp uses the Coinbase Wallet SDK version 3.8.0 or later.

  2. Enable feature in SDK initialization When initializing the Coinbase Wallet SDK, set enableMobileWalletLink: true. This activates the direct connection feature for mobile device users.

import CoinbaseWalletSDK from '@coinbase/wallet-sdk';

const wallet = new CoinbaseWalletSDK({
appName: "Your Dapp Name",
appLogoUrl: "Your Dapp Logo URL",
enableMobileWalletLink: true // enable direct connection

Dapp browser

To open the Coinbase Wallet mobile app to a specific dapp in the dapp browser tab, you can use a deep link. You can use a deep link from either a web or a native app.[YOUR_URL]

YOUR_URL should be encoded with percent-encoding.


To open, it should be formatted:

Android-specific information

In order to open a custom scheme (for example, to switch back to your app), you may pass the optional parameter cb_callback into the universal link. Custom scheme callback is supported on version 26.8+.[YOUR_URL]&cb_callback=[YOUR_CALLBACK_SCHEME]

(Optional) iOS-specific information

You may use a custom protocol instead of the universal link. This is helpful if users are running into the iOS bug that routes users to the App Store instead of directly to the app when it's already installed.


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